Q. I’m an employee at Northrop grumman, am i eligible to join management club?
A. All full time employees at Northrop Grumman Corporation, level 3 or above, are eligible to join Northrop Grumman Management Club.
Q. Do you have to be a manager to be a member?
A. No. With almost 1100 members between Los Angeles and Antelope Valley, nearly 30% of our membership are non-managers.
Q. I’m a northrop grumman retiree, can i attend a meeting?
A. All retired Northrop Grumman Management Club members, who were dues paying members of the Club at the time of their retirement, are entitled to Lifetime Membership in the Club, entitling them to notification of events and the ability to participate in certain Club activities at an offered price, the cost of which is determined by the allocated budget for that event. Please visit the Retirees page for contact information.
Q. What is the commitment?
A. Bi-weekly payroll deductions for Club membership dues must be authorized by the new applicant. The application can be found here.
Q. how many meetings are there per year?
A. There are 4 quarterly meetings per year. These meetings take place off-site and include presentations by the Club President, Vice President and select company organizations. Dinner, and a no-host bar, is included as well as presentations by various individuals and/or groups in the realm of leadership, organization, productivity and networking.
Q. are there any activities other than meetings?
A. Yes! The Club financially supports and promotes member involvement in community service activities. These include: Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, the Multiple Sclerosis Walk in Antelope Valley, Los Angeles and Long Beach, USO Talent Show, Holiday Cheer, among other events.
We also plan activities for family involvement, such as tickets to performances at The Pantages, The Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, Los Angeles Rams, Kings, Dodgers, and Angels games, and Monster Jam. We are always adding new events and outings, which can be viewed on the Events page.